6 Apr 2009

Not Mass Produced

Good morning! I've been accepted to join a website called Not Mass Produced - it's what it says on the tin - a website celebrating all the great handmade items from Europe (mostly UK and France I think). I'm a starter on the site, so that means I have 3 items available. Follow this link to see! The site has a nice feel to it, it's easy on the eye and since the owners vet every applicant, it has a good quality control in place. I like the ethos, which is on their about us page. It's about finding something special and supporting individual talent and small business. It's in the same vein as Folksy and Etsy and DaWanda, but with a bit more focus controlling who joins and a more active marketing team so publicity is not all down to the individual artisan. I'll let you know how it goes! :-)

1 comment:

HannahMary said...

sounds fab. good luck with the venture